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The importance of dental hygiene

Dental hygiene reflects the state of your stomach. What you are eating, drinking, smoking, breathing and how often you do or don’t floss and or/ brush your teeth. And the total effect of all those things together.

😃 Your gums are an extension of your stomach.

👄 Your gums surround your teeth, protect the roots of your teeth and are filled with many blood capillaries.

👄Your salivary glands (located under your chin) talk to your stomach and vice versa. Your glands work by secreting saliva that contains enzymes analyse and pytalin.

💦 Saliva enzymes works by protecting the gums, mouth, teeth and other structures against microorganisms such as bacteria and ulceration of the gums.

Saliva communicates with stomach acid to facilitate swallowing and digestion of starches.

One common contributor to poor dental hygiene is low stomach acid. Low stomach acid inhibits the salivary glands production of saliva.

Low stomach acid - also known as Stomach Yin deficiency in Chinese Medicine is predominantly caused by consuming in excess: alcohol, raw foods, spicy foods, antacids, ibuprofen and oral- anti inflammatory medication.

In lamen’s terms, it essentially means your gut immunity is lowered, your digestion is weak as your body is having a hard time breaking down food to be absorbed.

Underlying spleen / liver / stomach / kidney deficiencies also effect this imbalance.

Low acids, therefore less saliva is a problem in dental hygiene. Many lingering nasties that the body is not effectively dealing with can irritate the gums, build up as plaque on the teeth or even seep into the blood stream (via the gum capillary network).

Without suffice enzymes and a strong microbiome- this can have a systemic effect on the body not just locally. The action, environment and nature of the stomach acids is critical to treat.

Note that digestion does not start in the cardia: which is the first part of the stomach organ, it starts in the mouth! The mouth being an extension of the stomach.

Experiencing plaque build up, bad breath, bleeding gums, gingivitis etc?

This isn’t to shame all those dealing with dental issues! You can be doing the all the right things but nothing is working because the root cause is not being addressed. Look further at gut health 👀

What to do?

Number 1: floss - you know this, your dentist tells you this.

Number 2: get checked out by a TCM practitioner and get the appropriate assessment, diagnosis, nutrition protocol and herbal formula to treat root causes.

What can poor dental hygiene develop into if left untreated?


  • Nutritional deficiencies

  • Gum Inflammation (such as bleeding)

  • Dental cavities

May develop (as per research / studies)

  • Diabetes

  • Heart disease

  • Cancers of the stomach and esophagus

  • Dementia

  • Respiratory infections

  • Pregnancy complications

  • Infertility

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

💀 What not to do: as it strips teeth enamel and lowers stomach acid

Excessive Bicarbonate of soda consumption- it’s full of aluminium anyway! Get the aluminium free stuff as it's less harsh on your teeth and don't use frequently 😃😃😃

  • Don't eat lots of refined sugars, processed foods and aspartame

  • Apple cider vinegar your entire mouth - its far too harsh, even when diluted!

Happy flossing, brushing, nourishing and smiling


Secretions of the salivary glands and stomach: Dr. Christopher Fry 2009 Volume 27, Issue 12,December 2009, Pages 503-506

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